In the spring of 1986 a handful of families from the Langley area (many from Willoughby CRC, formerly First CRC Langley) felt God’s call to start up a new church community in the young and growing Murrayville area. The new group first started gathering weekly in the then Langley Christian School gymnasium just off Fraser Highway. By October that year, a new church was officially formed.

Several years later, the Lord had provided enough for them to buy a plot of land next door to the school and construct their own church building, along with a new home for the community: Care Groups, Children’s Worship Time, Youth Group, Cadets, GEMS, Bible studies, and more.

Join us today! When you come you will meet over three hundred people from all walks of life. We are a community for families – especially young families, as you will see by all the children and teens participating in our worship!

The church desires the community to be a safe, welcoming place for everyone. If you live in the Murrayville-Langley area, you may want to consider making this community your church home.